Sunday, October 5, 2008

"i'm bored, you're amorous"

(HA! the story of my life.)

So I've been lazy. I'm not sure why. I didn't have a particularly busy week, by normal standards. I think I just didn't find anything that I felt inspired to write about, until now... dun, dun, duuuuuuuuuuuun. Okay, that was sorta lame. But so am I.

Dear and the Headlights are a band from Phoenix, AZ. I don't really know too much about them, besides what I found on wiki. My Internet friend (who really lives down the street from me - i know. i don't get it either. i think he's afraid that my sweetness (and my boobs) might compromise his current relationship. both are pretty irresistible if you ask me) recommended the band to me when we were convinced that we'd never find anything that we could both categorize as "good shit".

Drunk Like Bible Times
dropped Sept. 30th and I really hope it gains some steam. As far as I'm concerned it marries what's best about britpop and indie-rock quite charmingly. A few songs remind me a bit of The Kooks, but the first Kooks album, not the second.

"I'm not crying. You're not crying, Are you?"
is the first single and one of the best tunes on the record. It's a toe-tapping rock song for sure. I'm sure I'll be bouncing to this one on the subway come Monday morning.

"Flowers for My Brain" is another favourite. I love the lyrical phrasing, particularly in the beginning. The swell, mid-way through the song, is pretty sweet too. I wish I could find it online somewhere. Dig it up if you can.

"I Know" is also a favourite. I'm a fan of the drums. It almost feels like two songs, really. And again, it's a toe-tapper.

Overall, the album is solid. I've been listening to it non-stop for the past few days. I hope they find their way North to Toronto. I have a feeling it'd be a solid live show.

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