yep. i'm going to do it again. i'm waiting for my laundry. that's the only reason why. i'm never, ever, ever this motivated.
so, i have a rad record to share with you. i found it one day when i was browsing emusic: the best online music retailer - IN THE WORLD. it's so convenient. no foolin'. emusic is sort of like online dating. you obtain an account because you like to date/like music and you'd like to find dates/music that you maybe wouldn't encounter otherwise. you might (will) make a few mistakes along the way, but you could come across a real winner. it's the idea that you might come across a real winner that keeps you coming back for more and makes the real duds tolerable.
so, without further non-related rambling, i'd like to share the best seat dancing routine of LIFE. no seriously. check it out. this might be one of the best videos ever made.
that video above is from slow club!
(i had to hard return and add punctuation because it wouldn't let me continue on with the next sentence un-hyperlinked. i'm not really that excited)
and, just as i linked to the myspace, i realized that they played the mother effing dakota on tuesday night. #fml. why do i always find out about shows after they happen? someone help me out here.
anyway. i'm a massive fan of the album. it took a few listens. at first i thought, "big whoop. another male/female duo. i'm over ra ra riot." but, slow club are different. they're british. and no, that's not wholy sarcastic. i mean that in the best way possible. i think that music coming out of the uk right now is a little less serious, a little more quirky and a whole lot more fun.
yeah so is one of those records that tricks you. it's one of albums that makes you think it's all happy - filled with unicorns and cotton candy and sparkly rainbows. but really, they're songs about breakups and other depressing things. i'm in a phase where i dig that sort of thing right now.
fav tracks:
"giving up on love" has a great retro sound, beatles meets the beach boys maybe. it makes me want to do the mashed potato in a polka-dot swimsuit. i'm afraid no one would care to see that though, i'm sure.
"when i go" - see below. you know it. you know you like it. too cute for words. the song and the commercial. who doesn't like dude on chick folk. the back and forth is super sweet and works, so well.
"our most brilliant friends" is a ten minute song. a bit long, if you ask me. really, it's a secret track, i think. i like the tin-ey production on this one. it's got a frantic build. the build is common throughout most of the album, to tell you the truth. i appreciate it. it helps to take you along for the ride.
well. that's it. go get it and i'll go get my laundry.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
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